YIIMP Log Files

YIIMP has any number of different log files. Here we will try and describe them to you, their purpose (as best we can project) and what types of error you might find.

High level error logging parameters are controlled in the serverconfig.php file, usually located in /var/web.

  • YIIMP debug.log can be found in /var/log/yiimp

  • Stratum Logs usually found in /var/stratum
    • debug.log
    • client.log
    • reject.log – this contains a listing of all blocks found by your pool that were rejected.

  • Algo specific stratum logs can be found in the /var/stratum/config folder and are named after the coin algorithm.conf file (example algorithm.log)

  • YIIMP application.log is commonly found in the /var/web/yaamp/runtime directory
  • This is where you will find many of your php errors if you have made changes to the code and some element isn’t showing in the web browser