YIIMP Errors

There are many, many different types of errors you can receive from YIIMP. Most of them are completely undocumented. Below we have documented those errors and possible resolutions as we’ve come across them here at coinpie.academy.

  • Symptom: log file shows “yourcoind not reporting”
  • Possible fix: Validate the URL in your coinname.conf file is correct

  • Symptom: client.log file shows 2021-03-06 07:14:18 [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] , YourCoinName, update block, bad password
  • Possible fix: during compilation of blocknotify , installation script will generate random password and insert it into the source code. The installation script will also place this same passwrod in algo.conf file in the [TCP] section. These passwords must match or your will get the error above.

  • Symptom: Algos aren’t showing up on the home page or on the pool page
  • Possible fix: Check that on your Coin Settings tab the coin is:
    • Enabled;
    • Auto ready;
    • Visible; and
    • Installed

  • Symptom: Database table “Shares” is recording a value in the error column.
  • Information: The error codes are being saved based are share results sent from miners and are validated by YIIMP. If they don’t validate then the error code is saved in the Shares table. See YIIMP Miner Error Codes for further details on specific error codes.

  • Symptom: blocknotify doesn’t appear to be connecting – you may see some error like “error connect yourpool.name id 1425” where 1425 is the record id in the coins table. In other cases you may see some type of “32512” error.
  • Possible fix: be sure that your coinsd.conf file is using the fully qualified path such as: blocknotify=/var/stratum/blocknotify

  • Symptom: The stratum is returning an error code when trying to validate the coin’s address by calling “validateaddress”.
  • Possible fix: Check the version of the wallet you are using. Since most coins are based on the bitcoin core, various wallet versions support a different subset of commands. Instead of using “validateaddress” try “getaddressinfo” instead.

  • Symptom: ERROR getaccountaddress YOURCOINNAME or method not found
  • Possible fix: Update coind.cpp, coind_validate_address method so that your coin uses “validateaddress” rather than “getaddressinfo” (this is very similar to the error above but has a subtle difference in the error codes, the fix is the same)

  • Symptom: YOURCOINSYMBOL dead lock, exiting…
  • Possible Fix: Is the coind running? Is the stratum for this algorithm running, enabled and active?
  • Some background on what is happening: Every 120 seconds YIIMP will check to see if the stratum has broadcast any jobs, if not it will try and restart the stratum, resulting in the symptom noted above. If your coind and stratum are running and configured properly then the issue is deeper in the code and some research may be required to resolve.

  • Symptom: Wallet returns – error -8: getblocktemplate must be called with the segwit rule set (call with {“rules”: [“segwit”]})
  • Possible Fix: Update /var/web/yaamp/core/backend/coins.php so that segwit is executed properly. This is important for newer wallet versions. (we first noticed it in v0.18.1)
    if ($coin->usesegwit) {
        $template = $remote->getblocktemplate('{"rules":["segwit"]}');
    } else {
        $template = $remote->getblocktemplate('{}');
  • As a side note, if YIIMP and your coin daemon are talking to each other you can enter this into the coin console – getblocktemplate {“rules”:[“segwit”]} – if this command gives a nice json return you may be on the right course.

  • Symptom: Wallet returns – RPC Error: error -8: label argument must be a valid label name or “*”.
  • Possible Fix: Update /var/web/yaamp/modules/site/coin_results.php.
  • This is important for newer wallet versions. (we first noticed it in v0.18.1)
    if ($DCR || $DGB) {
    $account = '*';
} elseif ($ETH) {
    $account = $coin->master_wallet;
// Add your coin symbol here VVVVV
elseif ($coin->symbol == "RNG"||$coin->symbol == "TDC"||$coin->symbol == "OBTC") {
    $account = '*';

  • Symptom: Miner get message similar to this
    • [2021-03-27 17:08:51] Stratum connection failed: Operation timed out after 30003 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
    • [2021-03-27 17:08:51] …retry after 10 seconds
  • Possible fix: Check miner command line. The miner may be using stratum+tcps:yourpool.url:1234 – if your pool doesn’t support tpcs then just use stratum+tpc:yourpool.url:1234

  • Symptom: error code: -32601 error message: Method not found – this error can show up in multiple places, such as your Admin Wallet screen.
  • Possible fix: In many cases YIIMP is trying to send a command to the wallet that the current version of the wallet doesn’t support. For example, “getinfo” has been deprecated from many wallets. In your coin settings tab, uncheck “Use getinfo” – Lightbit (LBIT) coin has this issue when it is first setup as “Use getinfo” is checked by default.